Thursday, March 26, 2009

Flex - Using panel ( mx:Panel ) with panel styles

Panel is like a container in the flex where we show image, text, vertical lines, horizontal lines, boxes etc.

This panel will contain the contents, where the coding will be

     MXML Code:
<mx:application mx="" layout="absolute">

<mx:panel backgroundcolor="#ff00ff">
<mx:image source="image.png">

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Flex - using style sheet

In flex we can use style sheets also for designing the flex application, we can design the flex application as like flash application.

The implementation of the style sheet with the flex application

We can use the styles inside the mxml or we can use the external style sheet where that will be saved in .css format

The css file's coding will be like this

.ApplyStyle {
font-weight: bold;
color: #ff00ff;
themeColor: #000000;

and the mxml coding will be like this

<mx:application stylename="ApplyStyle" mx="" layout="absolute">

<mx:style source="../src/global.css">


We can use this css coding in the same mxml file itself, but maintaining in separate file will be good coding standard

Download the source files style.css and style.mxml

Flex - Sample application

Flex is very easy to understand, we can use the flex builder to create and run the flex application.

The sample application will be like this

We can give different styles to that sentence, where is used to display the contents in flex.

We can design the label's text with style sheet or by writing the styles here within the label tag

For example,

Like this we can design the text, by this coding we can rotate the text and we can give color for the label.

here is the source
you can download it

Friday, March 6, 2009

Flex - About flex an explanation

About Flex in detail

Flex is a technology, where we can create rich internet applications(RIAs) like web applications or desktop applications.

Flex can be integrated with applications like J2EE Architecture, dot net Architecture, php,etc., Flex is free open source framework for building flex application you can download the flex builder freely from download Flex SDK ( and it can be deployed consistently in all major browsers easily.

There are many web resources for clearing flex problems, so on the critical situations you can get the solutions easily while searching in the web.